Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador - Governmental

Trade Name:

Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador



About the Client:

The National Secretariat of Public Administration of the Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador, responsible for facilitating the adoption of decisions by the President and coordinating under the direct instructions of the Chief Executive, identified the necessity of developing an information system to implement its strategy of relationships and communication. With this strategy, the national government is able to maintain a direct relationship with the citizens and to extract indicators and perform an analysis to make governmental decisions.


Calix was contracted by Medaglia® to develop the Digital Intelligence System for the Central Government of Ecuador. The goal of the system was to computerize, and measure the quality of public services from the citizen's point of view (the population of Ecuador).

The data regarding the Ecuadorian population, their use of public services and the evaluation of these services is collected from various databases in governmental organizations, centered on a large database, treated according to the goal to be reached and then loaded into the Digital Intelligence System to enable the production of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

The Digital Intelligence System works as a basis for governmental decision making. These decisions are made based on the quantity and quality of services provided, as well as the need for improvement of the quality of these services. Furthermore, it also provides indicators that allow the development of new services based on the population's demand.

Tools and Technologies Applied:

SugarCRM Enterprise®: CRM software, which contains the same base of SugarCRM Community Edition® code enhanced with specific functionalities and services. The system has modules for managing organizations and divisions, contacts, prospects, opportunities, events, marketing campaigns, projects, documents, schedules and historical reports, offline clients, and customer portals, among others.

Apache® Web Server: Currently the most successful free web server. It was created in 1995 by Rob McCool at the time was an employee of the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications). In a survey conducted in May 2010, Apache served approximately 54.68% of all websites and over 66% of the million busiest websites. It is the core technology of the Apache Software Foundation, responsible for over a dozen projects involving transmission through web technologies, data processing and execution of distributed applications.

PHP®: Free interpreted programming language, created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and maintained by an organization called The PHP Group. It is free software licensed under the PHP License, and widely used today for developing web applications. Facebook® is a great example of an application developed with this programming language.

MySQL®: Database Management System (DBMS) that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) as the interface. MySQL is one of the most popular data bases today, with over 10 million installations worldwide. Among users of the MySQL database include: NASA, Friendster, Banco Bradesco, Dataprev, HP, Nokia, Sony, Lufthansa, US Army, US Federal Reserve Bank, Associated Press, Alcatel, Slashdot, Cisco Systems, Google, and others.

Java®: Object-oriented Programming Language developed in the 90s by a team of programmers led by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems®, and currently maintained by Oracle. Java is the conventional language of the Java platform, but not their only language, as the platform is composed of several languages, frameworks and extensions to a range of devices and platforms.

PostgreSQL®: A powerful open source Object-relational Database (ORDBMS) Management System. It has over 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned strong reputation for reliability, data integrity and compliance standards. It runs on all major operating systems. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers and stored procedures (in multiple languages). Includes most of the data types of the ISO SQL: 1999 and also supports storage of binary objects, including pictures, sounds or videos.

Web Services: Technological solution used widely for system integration and for communication between different applications, making it possible for new applications to interact with legacy systems developed on different platforms, since it can send and receive data between them.