National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida - Religious Institution
Trade Name:
National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida
Religious Institution
About the Client:
The Basilica of Our Lady Aparecida, also known as the National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida is a prominent Roman Rite Catholic basilica located in Aparecida, Brazil. It's the second greatest Catholic temple in whole world, only behind St. Peter's Basilica located in the Vatican City.
Calix has developed the Net.Juri, a management and monitoring system to be used by the Labor Legal Department to control suits filed against them.
This tool can provide effective management through the following features: legal processes including lawyers, involved parties, documents, procedures, costs and expenses, subject-matter, additional processes joined, appeals, disjoints, as well as other information relevant to the Legal Department.
Tools and Technologies Applied:
Net.Juri: Software for management of office and legal departments, which includes features such as: Management and Monitoring Litigation, Contract Management, Communication Management, and Timesheet Management, among others.
Apache® Web Server: Currently the most successful free web server. It was created in 1995 by Rob McCool at the time was an employee of the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications). In a survey conducted in May 2010, Apache served approximately 54.68% of all websites and over 66% of the million busiest websites. It is the core technology of the Apache Software Foundation, responsible for over a dozen projects involving transmission through web technologies, data processing and execution of distributed applications.
PHP®: Free interpreted programming language, created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and maintained by an organization called The PHP Group. It is free software licensed under the PHP License, and widely used today for developing web applications. Facebook® is a great example of an application developed with this programming language.
MySQL®: Database Management System (DBMS) that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) as the interface. MySQL is one of the most popular data bases today, with over 10 million installations worldwide. Among users of the MySQL database include: NASA, Friendster, Banco Bradesco, Dataprev, HP, Nokia, Sony, Lufthansa, US Army, US Federal Reserve Bank, Associated Press, Alcatel, Slashdot, Cisco Systems, Google, and others.
Web Services: Technological solution used widely for system integration and for communication between different applications, making it possible for new applications to interact with legacy systems developed on different platforms, since it can send and receive data between them.
Unified Modeling Language® (UML): A non proprietary third-generation modeling language which allows developers to view the products of their work in standardized diagrams to represent: structure, behavior, clustering, and annotation.